Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR


What was their distinctive feature? Sometimes they were very similar to each other. It is not surprising, because the interior items on sale were the same, the same, the same furniture, carpets and even building materials, the choice was very small. Before you 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, for which our grandparents bored.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_1

Love for all sorts of bedspreads, even for the pillow was a separate cape, so that she was not dyed, - a kind of comfort of Soviet times.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_2

Parquet from small ducts, thoroughly rubbed by hostesses, and massive wooden furniture could afford not everyone. Carved doors, stucco on the ceiling - a sign of the consistency of the owners of such an apartment.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_3

The TV was a great value in the Soviet family, he was going to look at the whole family and also covered with a special cape, so as not to dust.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_4

The lacquered servant contained all the riches of the Soviet family. There were also books and crystals, and all sorts of sets of dishes, which were the mandatory attribute of each apartment.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_5

Vases, samovars, figurines acquired on the occasion or presented by someone, mandatory plush bedspread on the couch - all these simple things, Soviet hostesses tried to create comfort in their apartments.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_6

The carpet is the most important subject of the interior. It was very difficult to get it, but he had to have him every respectful Soviet family. Buying carpet and its solemn "entry" into the interior was a very important event and testified to the well-being of the family.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_7

Also, it was also necessary in each house there was a massive floor lamp with a textile lampshade and a player with plates. The entertainment at that time was a bit, so the whole family was going in the evening and listened to fairy tales or music recorded on the recorders, with a soft and cozy light of the flooring.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_8

The massive polished "wall" is full of the length of the room, and carpets, carpets - there are no much.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_9

New Year for Soviet people was a whole event. Toys were a deficit, they are very bold and neatly stored. When it came to dress up a Christmas tree, they did a lot with their own hands, sewed or lept out toys, hung on the Christmas tree candy. In general, those who were decorated with what is much.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_10

In addition to carpets, in almost every Soviet apartment, it was possible to meet the reproductions of pictures of famous artists. In addition, these pictures often hung right on the carpet!

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_11

Well, and how without a huge chandelier, than it is massive and harder, the better.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_12

In each apartment of the USSR, you will meet a mirrored tremor that helped the ladies to restore beauty, and also necessarily there should be a vase and photo frames.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_13

Chairs with capes and the coffee table with the press was to have every self-respecting Soviet man.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_14

If the place allowed, then in the center of the room often stood a polished table with chairs, followed by the holidays of the whole family and guests.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_15

The abundance of dishes and textiles was a sign of the well-being of the family. The festive dishes burned, over the weekend she was frayred and passed from generation to generation.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_16

Bright colors, piled up colorful ornaments were in fashion during the USSR.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_17

The furniture took every corner of the apartment, and often it was done with her own hands, because it was not so easy to buy it.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_18

The pride of each Soviet economy was a set of tin tanks for bulk products - a simple kitchen decoration.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_19

Repair did with your own hands who could. The tile was a big deficit, and the variety of colors was not. Therefore, often bathrooms of Soviet citizens were absolutely the same.

Medicine from nostalgia: 20 photos of the interior of Soviet apartments, after which you stop missing the USSR 122029_20

Such a written table did Soviet children. The table was certainly had to stand in the corner.

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