Media: Heavyly ill Anastasia Zavorotnyuk first came into contact


Soon Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is already 50 years old. Actress for a long time does not conjunction, and relatives refuse to comment on her health. Recently, NTV television channel reported that he will prepare a special release of the transfer "Once ...", dedicated to the anniversary of the star. The author and leading program, Sergei Majorov, will tell the history of Zavorotnyuk and congratulate her on his birthday. The TV channel argues that "Nanny Vika" for the first time in a long period came to the connection and claims that everything is fine with it. According to NTV, "Anastasia firmly stated that with health everything is in order, and promised in a year to give an exclusive interview about creative plans."

However, some fans suspect that this is just a draw, since the publication was made on the website of the channel of the first April. Fans embarrassed the fact that the publication managed to contact the actress, since she did not talk with journalists for almost two years.

The serious illness of Anastasia became known in 2019. Only in May of next year it was confirmed that the star "my beautiful nanny" Glioblastoma. After that, the actress almost no one saw, because the family thoroughly protects it from the close attention of the press. Spouse Artists Peter Chernyshov and her daughter Anna Zavorotnyuk explained that they do not want to arrange a PR show on the occasions about the disease of the relative. It is known only that the actress has passed several chemotherapy courses and rehabilitation.

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