"It's still hard": Stanley Tucchi mourning in his wife who died from cancer in 2009


American actor Stanley Tucci in the past survived a greater loss: in 2009 his first wife Kate died. Recently, the winner of the three "Emmy" and the two "golden globes" admitted that still grieves about this loss.

Tucchi married Kate, who was a social worker, in 1995. In marriage they had three children: Gemini Nikolo and Isabel, who was now 21, and the daughter of Camilla, who marked 19-year-old. In addition, Kate had two children from the first marriage. Spouses were together until 2009, when a 47-year-old woman died. She suffered breast cancer.

Tuchchi admits that he recalls the first spouse until now and still grieves it.

"Even after 11 years, it is still hard. And it will always be difficult, "said the actor in an interview for CBS Sunday Morning.

All these years, the star supports the idea that Kate did not want her family to burn the rest of his life because of her care.

"She was not like that," says Tucci.

After the loss of the first wife, the actor still decided on a second relationship. In 2012, he married a literary agent Felicity Blante, which accounted for older sister Actress Emily Blunt. In the second marriage, the actor had two children: the son of Matteo Oliver, who is now six, and daughter Emilia Giovanna, which appeared on the light two years ago.

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