"I can't work with such a face": the "youths" star beat in the nightclub


The actress of the TV series "Molodezhka" Svetlana Stepankovskaya complained to beating. The girl wrote in Instagram that an unknown in the nightclub attacked her.

According to Stepankovskaya, she came to relax into the entertainment institution, but literally from the threshold, one of the visitor was attacked.

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"She beat me without reason and the causes, in front of the eyes. Just because it has crushed something. I don't even want to think that it was affected! " - Artist told.

Stepankovskaya says he does not know his offender, but saw that she was in the club in the company of soloists of the group Hammali & Navai. This, in her opinion, influenced how the institutions were reacted to the incident.

"Instead of protecting me from the maiden, instead of dealing, calming the attacker, the club's guard is simply because she, apparently, was from the Sweet Star," said me and just brought to the street, "the girl added.

However, Stepankovskaya is not going to just forget this situation. The star of "youths" removed the beatings and appealed to the police. She plans to recover from abuse not only compensation for physical and moral damage, but also a penalty due to canceled projects.

"I can't work with such a face," the artist wrote, attaching two photos, on which bruises and scratches are visible.

Subscribers supported the actress in her desire to punish the attacked and wished her early recovery.

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