"Dreaming is not harmful": Borisov denies that he sent Kalashniki photo without clothes


Dana Borisov on his Instagram page published a new post, which contains a fragment of an interview with a completely different media driver - blogger and model Anna Kalashnikova. As you know, I recently became the heroine of Youtube-show "Alena, Damn!", Where he said that Borisov sends her messages containing photos of an intimate character.

Borisov did not pass by such a statement and clarified the situation. "New edition" Alena, damn! "Surveated. Sleepy lioness with a bunch of hairpins and overlaid strands on the head opened a terrible secret. Like, I send her nude photos to her, which inflicts her and so unstable psyche serious damage. Anna, I can say one thing: dreaming is not harmful! And if I sinned like, then solely with respect to men, "star blonde in his personal microbloga wrote. At the end of the post, she turned to subscribers and recommended them if no longer what to spend an hour of their time, watch an interview with Anna.

Network users promptly responded to the publication: "Dana, you are the best, do not listen to anyone," "Alas, decency in our time stands too expensive," "Dana, you are not very smart, but a funny", "I had to make an effort to find In Google, who is such Kalashnikov. "

Note that Dana Borisov often becomes a member of various scandals. For example, she recently accused the ballerina Anastasia Volochkov in alcoholism. In response, Ex-Prima Bolshoi Theater decided to submit to his offender to court for insulting honor and dignity. However, for certain reasons, the trial did not take place.

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