Houses in an inflatable bath: Jiji Hadid told about 14-time childbirth


Last year, a 25-year-old top model Jiji Hadid and her spouse, a 28-year-old singer Zain Malik, first became parents. Their daughter appeared on the world, which was given by High's name. There is a version that the girl was named after grandmother on the maternal line. It is known that her name was Hyria.

Recently, the world famous model decided to tell how her childbirth passed. As it turned out, Jiji did not give birth in an elite private clinic, but at home in Pennsylvania. Of course, a professional midwife with an assistant helped her. There were no future mom without support and her loved ones: Husband, Bella's sister and Mom, Iolanda Hadid. True, Jiji admitted that it was originally planned to go to the clinic in New York, but Coronavirus intervened. Because of the restrictions entered restrictions, a limited number of people were allowed to the ward, which means the mother and sister of the stars could not be nearby. It is for this reason that Jiji decided to stay at home.

The star admitted that during childbirth, which, by the way, lasted 14 hours, abandoned local anesthesia. She explained that she wanted to feel that natural process for which women are intended to themselves. The births themselves were decided not to hold on the bed, but in an inflatable bath, which was installed in the bedroom of celebrities. According to her, all that day had to closely follow the dog and three cats that live in the house so that they accidentally damaged the bath. Instead of soothing music, a film of 1995 "Indian in the closet" was chosen as a background of Jiji.

Remembering how her baby appeared on the light, the star compares himself with animals. "I guess I looked a little crazy. I was like a wild animal, "Jiji admitted. She also noted that he did not immediately felt that her daughter was already born: "I was very exhausted when I raised my eyes and saw that Zayn was already holding our crumb. It was amazing. "

Note that Jiji and Zayn are in no hurry to show their heiress in social networks. On rare frames published in Instagram, Hai is captured so that her face is not visible.

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