"Soul rushed to heaven": the leading "time" program showed photos from the bath


The other day, Ekaterina Andreeva published a fresh snapshot in his microblog made in the bath. The star decided to close the body with coniferous branches and remained without makeup. At the same time, the face of the leading program "Time" looked young and fresh. And, as the celebrity itself stated, it is not by chance.

It turns out that Andreeva adores the baths. In the post under the photo, she remembered the Russian tale "Konon-Gorboon", in which the heroes dipped into Chan women with boiling water, milk and cold water to become young and healthy. Apparently, such manipulations were and leading, since it still looks so young and beautiful. "Konon-Gorboon as a tail whipped for what it is necessary, so the soul rushed to heaven," the Frame of Teediva signed.

She also stated that to be in the baths - it is useful, because after them the head is clear, and "no abomination can be closed."

Andreva's subscribers noted that it looks great and useful to spend their days. "Perfectly spent the day", "and again useful baths", "like a little mermaid, very beautiful," "You don't need rolling humpback, you are young and beautiful," wrote network users.

Recall that Ekaterina Andreeva - Russian TV presenter, is one of the most popular news speakers and the leading time program on the first channel.

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