Kameo Matt Damon was cut out of the "8 girlfriends of Owen" after the scandalous statements of the actor about the movement of #Metoo


After the scandal with Harvey Weinstein began, but even before the episode of charges in sexual harassment has become "witness hunting", Matt Damon said it should be distinguished by truly serious crimes and, for example, quite innocent touch, and noted What is ready to work with people who are accused of harassment. Apparently, Damon meant not that he would gladly be reunited with the same Weinstein in some new project, but what is ready to work with those who are accused of harassment is unfounded. However, one careless wording led to the fact that everything was collected on Matt with criticism - from Twitter-customers and sympathizing #metoo movement to Hollywood actresses.

On the Internet, they began to even collect signatures under the petition so that the creators of the upcoming film "8 Girlfriends Owen" cut out from him Kameo Matt Damon, who had to return to the role of Laine Caldwell from the original trilogy, which began with the "eleven friends of Oushen." And, it seems that the petition still did not remain unnoticed - Matt Kameo in the version of the film, which is right now in American cinemas, no.

The situation was quickly commented by the director "8 friends of Owen" Gary Ross, who also participated in creating a scenario. Of course, the director did not confirm that Matt's careless comments, but he limited a much more diplomatic explanation about the fact that Kameo de "did not fit into the plot - at the same time emphasized that Kameo was cut out not only Matt, but also a number of others stars.

In Russia, we remind, "8 Girlfriends Oushen" starts in cinemas on June 21, 2018.

Kameo Matt Damon was cut out of the

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