Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding)


The network has photos and videos from the recent wedding of friends Adele. The singer was not just an invited guest of the celebration, but also acted as a priest: she married Laura Docrill and Hugo White. Earlier, Adele was already crowned another couple of friends, they say, she has the official right to conclude marriages.

Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding) 122387_1

Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding) 122387_2

After the solemn part, a party began, at which Adel performed several of his hits. She was in a light blouse and a lush skirt with a floral print, the image of the star added a small hat with a veil.

Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding) 122387_3

Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding) 122387_4

Adele acted as a priest at the wedding of friends (and sang after the wedding) 122387_5

Recently, Adel has become especially discussed, as it lost 45 kilograms and changed outwardly. As the coach of the singer told, she had to hardly limit himself in a meal: the daily calorie standing was reduced by two times. Also, Adel was regularly engaged in training with Pilates elements. Now the singer boldly falsifies in the new outfits, emphasizing her slim figure, and says that madly satisfied with the results of weight loss.

True, sometimes the sliding adel will not recognize. Recently, the Polish TV presenter admitted that she communicated with a star on one of the parties, but did not understand that it was she, while Adel did not call her name.

Публикация от ADELE (@adelesp)

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