"The sexiest male planet" Channing Tatum and others in the journal People


About your rank of sexual men : "My first thought was:" You confused me with someone. I said about this Jenne [my wife] after we left the bathroom, where we were soapy of our dogs, as they stunned terribly. She asked: "What?" Yes, now she calls me the sexiest man from now living. "

About kids : "I'm ready. And I think she too. The first figure that occurs in my head is 3. But first, I want us to be alone and healthy. And then let's see. The man is very easy to say: "I want 15 children." Jenna will prompt me to find another wife. "

About her figure : "I like to be thin. If I become too big, I can't move normally, and I love movement. When I do not train, I immediately turn into a round and loose. "

In addition to Taytum, People magazine noted the merit and other famous men. They did not get the cherished title, but were also recognized as the best. The numbers appeared on the pages:

Chris Hemsworth

Max Greenfield.

Ben Affleck

Richard Gir

Matt Bomer.

Denzel Washington

Damian Lewis

Paul Rudd

Blake Shelton

And winner last year Bradley Cooper

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