Again for your: Gwyneth Paltrow offered women vibrators for quarantine


Gwyneth Paltrow has its own store called Gooop, on the site of which you can order clothes and all sorts of "healthy lifestyle" attributes. True, sometimes the star offers public dubious and strange things. She recently advised customers the best vibrators with which you can entertain during self-insulation. Paltrow has released an article with a review of the best, in her opinion, sex toys "for self-satisfaction and sexual games with a partner."

Again for your: Gwyneth Paltrow offered women vibrators for quarantine 122627_1

Among the recommended Gwyneth products are a vibrator for 150 dollars, a clitual vibrator for $ 130 and more budget options for $ 55.

Again for your: Gwyneth Paltrow offered women vibrators for quarantine 122627_2

Sex goods are not uncommon in Paltrow's store. Last year, the noise was made by vaginal jade eggs to increase the female energy, which Gwynene was diligently advertised. She presented them as a secret esoteric agent from the ancient China. The point even reached scientists: they tried to figure out the origin and effectiveness of the "ancient invention", and it turned out that this is a fake.

Earlier, Gwynech and her spouse Brad Falchak conducted a live broadcast with an intimate relationship specialist Michael Baem and asked her how to save relationships during quarantine. The expert noted that during Quarantine it is very important to "pay for itself a few hours a day and not to involve a family at this time." Also, BoEM advised not to dive with his head into survival mode and not neglect the removal.

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She noted. It is necessary to pay attention to your feelings and take care of yourself, says Baham, then with sexuality there will be no problems.

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