Tom Hardy - New Christian Bale?


Then, Tom received a role in the third part of the popular Franchise "Batman" - "The sunrise of the dark knight", on the set of which he will meet with Christian Bail. A strikingly, but traced for the creative activities of these two actors, you can find many common features.

And Tom Hardy, and Christian Bale at the beginning of his career played in films, the roles in which they could ruin their professional future, since the film fees completely failed at the box office. For Hardy, the clone of Captain Picard became such a role in the film "Star Path: Retribution", and Christian Bale played a dance and singing postover of newspapers in the Musical News "newsmen. (For a long time, this film remained the most unsuccessful cash collection in the entire history of Disney. - Approx. Ed.). Both actors have gained fame due to their mentally unbalanced characters. (Bale - in "American Psycho", Hardy - in Bronzonon). Tom and Christian are good friends and fans of Christopher Nolan. And if Tom Hardy still play in the fourth part of the "insane Max", then at the expense of both actors there will be the main roles in postpocalyptic quadrics. (In 2009, Christian Bale starred in "Terminator: Savior will come").

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