5 reasons why the Final "Games of Thrones" from the very beginning was doomed to failure


"We will be in an unknown place, we will turn off the phone and open the bottles," said Dan Wayss, one of the shusrans "Games of the Thrones", in an interview with Entertainment Weekly about the plans for the evening of entering the final of the final. "At some point, when you can go outside, someone from HBO publicists will tell us what happened here, we will not experience this."

The final season was prepared for two years. It would seem that two years more than enough to give fans to the really memorable ending, but this did not happen - from the moment the final series was released for two days, and the fans of the series still could not come to refill. The petition, which appeared on the Change.org website after entering the ether of the 4th series, has already signed almost one and a half million people - and every few seconds the petition collects all new signatures.

The scale of indignation of fans about the finals of the "Games of the Thrones" only emphasizes the obvious: from the moment the "Game of Thrones" "caught up" the books of George Martin from the "Cycle of Ice and Flame" and moved on, the series was doomed.

1. Not canon

A few years ago, the writer himself said in an interview with the Vanity Fair: "I can give them a general description of what I intend to write, but I have no details. I hope that they will not catch me to catch up. "

The Showranners eventually not only managed to catch up with Martin, but also overtake him for several years - the events of the "Games of the Thrones" moved further, overtaking the book, in the sixth season, while Martin still did not finish his "winter wind". Some changes could be noticed immediately: the dialogues sounded slightly more modern, the battles and bloodshed became more, deep personal conversations - less, and the narrative speed acted. But all this, as now it is clear, there were flowers compared to the fact that the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" were waiting in the final.

His dissatisfaction with what turned to its completion "Game of Thrones", expressed not only fans, but some actors of the series. So, for example, Konle Hill, who played in the series Varis, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly after leaving openly and emotionally expressed disappointment by what his hero was turned to an end. "I had the feeling that the last couple of seasons my character moves to the periphery that they concentrate more on other heroes," Hill said. - This is normal, especially for the series, in which so many characters. But it was still quite painful. In general, the experience was incredibly positive and unforgettable, but I did not cause the last couple of seasons of special love. "

2. No time to explain!

5 reasons why the Final

Even those actors who detained in the final season almost until the very end allowed themselves to note that they were not easy to cope with the increased pace of narrative in the seventh and eighth season - in comparison with a rather slow, measured narrative of previous seasons.

"We used to have a whole season to walk to a certain point," Nikolai Koster-Waldau argued in an interview with Vanity Fair. - And now, suddenly, many things happen very, very quickly. "

The actor clearly knows what he says - after all, his hero just became one of the main genres of this acceleration in the final season. In 4 Series Jame, who left Serne, managed to celebrate the victory over the living dead, devote to Brienna in the knights, deprive her innocence, decide to stay in Winterfelle, and then change the decision and go back to SERSEE to the royal harbor. And all this - for one series! After the grand plot arch on the repentance and atonement by Jamie, who took seven seasons, to put such a sharp change in the head was difficult even Waldau, who knows his character like no one - what to talk about the audience!

3. Kill now, justify ... never

Another consequence of the increased rate of narration - many important moments remain behind the scenes, and because no one gives any answers to questions to the audience, it remains only to guess. For example, how did Arya and Sansa react to the true origin of John? How did EURON know that it was Missandeye who is the most valuable for Deeneris and it is necessary to capture her?

5 reasons why the Final

Once, one of the "chips" of the series was the voltage in the air - the heroes of the intrigue, trying to "read" each other, and the information was the most valuable weapon. After the departures from the books of Martin, a completely different strategy has developed - first kill, and then do not explain anything that has shot many fans, forcing them to talk about the fact that Benioff and Wayss simply "merged" the most important storylines.

4. Heavy expectations

The main one of these "fused" arches is the storyline of the king of the night, which from the very first scene of the series it seems to be the main villain. The shadow of the King of the night hung over the political frauds of the heroes of the "Games of the Thrones" for many years, and in the end, almost everything - except, of course, Sernei - decided to set aside disagreements and unite to defeat the Great War against the king of the night, which seemed almost invulnerable and invincible And his army of the dead.

To the grand opposition of the living and the dead, "The Game of Thrones" was preparing the audience for several years, and the Showranner and the stars of the series throughout the last year, the fact and the case mentioned some majority, most large-scale battle in history. We were promised something incredible, something unforgettable, something, worthy of those work, which described the series of the series (11 weeks of filming, 55 nights in a row, 3 different locations and 750 members of the film crew).

5 reasons why the Final

... As a result, at the end of the 82-minute episode of the king of the night kill with one blow. One. One.

5. Showranner

Each series of "Games of the Thrones" managed to an HBO on average at $ 5 million, by the end of each episode of the final season had a budget of $ 15 million. But the HBO channel was ready to highlight even more money and remove even the series of the final - that's just the showranner of this did not want to do, preferring instead to fit the grand amount of events in the unfortunate 6 series.

"HBO told us:" We will give you so many resources as you need to do everything exactly as necessary, "said Dan Wayrs and David Benioff in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "HBO would be only glad if the show continued if there were more series in the final season."

It was Wayss and Benioff that decided to finish the series, and it was they who decided that for this two final shortened seasons would be suitable. In other words, take so little time to complete such a large-scale and epic story - this is their personal choice.

5 reasons why the Final

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