"He forgave because he was avenged": Glory told how he left her husband to a young dancer


One of the main topics of Alena Zhigalova with the singer of glory in the framework of the new release of Youtube-show "Alena, Damn!" The civilian marriage of artisks became. With oligarch Anatoly Danilitsky, it has been together for more than 18 years, but during this time their relationship has undergone a lot of changes. So, according to the singer, after the first 5 years of living together, the lovers broke up for almost a year. The reason was the infidelity of glory - she was fascinated by the young dancer, announced Anatoly, which fell in love with another, and gathered things. But the new novel did not last longer than a few months, for which the actress realized how much the mistake did.

"He forgave, because he revenged me: at that moment he also had a novel with some girl. But we realized that we could not live with each other. All threw and returned, "Glory admitted.

The last lover, according to the artist, was incredibly beautiful and even for some time worked in the strip club. Now the crisis of the couple has already forgotten and enjoys a joint life. Previously, the singer repeatedly recognized that she was confident in her husband and did not see the point of making their marriage officially. At the same time, the glory was married, at a very early age, and gave birth to a daughter Sasha's daughter, which is already 21 years old. From Danilitsky she also has a daughter Antonina.

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