Holly Mary Combs from "Enchanted" accused Donald Trump in the death of grandfather


The star "Enchanted" Holly Mary Combs expressed his attitude to President of the United States in Twitter. She left a comment Donald Trump:

My grandfather died today. He voted for you. He believed you when you said that this virus is not terrible than influenza. He believed to every word. Today he died from COVID-19 - the day after his 66th anniversary of the wedding. You disgrace the human race.

Holi Mary received many negative comments in response from Trump's supporters and once again stressed that he was experiencing absolute intolerance to the president.

Holly Mary Combs from

Earlier, Brad Pitt laughed at Donald Trump and his statements about Coronavirus. In the new release of Saturday Night Live, the actor appeared as an adviser Donald Trump for coronavirus Dr. Anthony Faucci. Pitt in the form of a doctor ironically commented on Trump's statements that the vaccine "will soon appear", that everyone will be able to undergo a virus test, and that you can try to treat a virus injecting a disinfectant or powerful light flares. Some dubious words of the president Pitt could not comment and responded to them "Faispalm".

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