"Theater's humiliation": critic called the acting game Lolita Halturoy


The 52-year-old musical critic Sergei neighbor unfriendly responded to the singer Lolita Milyavskaya, which intends to try himself as an actress. The other day it became known that the artist will fulfill the role of Agafia Tikhonova in the formulation of "marriage". Her in the "Modern" theater puts Yuri Grymov. The star admitted that he was delighted with a new role.

The journalist is in advance convinced that Lolita will suffer Fiasco. He considers her invitation to "humiliation of great literature and theater." The critic has already begun to call the audience "not spend money on the tuff." Neighbors are convinced that the management of the cultural institution specifically applied to the singer to attract an additional audience.

"Lolita never Agafia Tikhonovna. Yes, she is a wonderful, frank, sincere person, a good singer, but not Agafia Tikhonovna. Face, texture, the type itself is not her. But she agreed to play, because Grymov found money, "Sergey revealed in an interview with the publication SobeSednik.ru.

He insists that people who do not belong to the number of intellectuals will buy. Obviously, Lolita herself adheres to another opinion, not counting his work by Halturoy. In the personal Instagram account, she actively talks about participation in the play and debut on the stage "Modern".

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