The star "50 shades of gray" Jamie Dornan became the Father for the third time


At this Sunday Amelia Warner again became a mother. It is very symbolic, considering that the Mother's Day was celebrated in the UK. The actress and her spouse Jamie Dornana was born third daughter. Unfortunately, the fans, parents still have no rush to show the public of their children. Fans and paparazzi just managed to see the five-year-old Dalus and two-year-old Elva. The name of the youngest daughter pair has not yet reported. The news about the replenishment in the family fans learned from the Amelia itself: the actress published a touching photo with three pairs of children's shoes in Instagram and wrote: "I am so proud of these three beautiful girls. It is an honor for me - to be their mom. I feel incredibly happy. "

The star

Last year, Jamie Danann, commenting on the next pregnancy of his wife, said that they had beautiful children with Amelia, looking at which he was not against one more. His youngest daughter was definitely lucky, because the actor promised that he would spend much more time with her than it was possible to spend with other girls.

The star

The star

The star

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