Star "supergel" Amy Jackson is pregnant with firstborn from the groom-millionaire


According to the new-fashioned stars of tradition, Amy decided to share with his fans through Instagram, having posted a romantic photo with the bride and signing it: "I was so waiting for it until it could squeeze from the surrounding roofs, and today, on the mother's day, the perfect moment ... I already love you more than everything else in this world, the cleanest, most sincere love. We are waiting - do not wait for the meeting with you, our baby scales. "

For Amy Jackson, 2019 began more than saturated: January 1, she announced the engagement with the British businessman George Panaito. Prior to that, the actress had several unsuccessful novels with the stars - first with the Indian actor Pratika Babar (from 2011 to 2012), and then with the famous Boxer Joe Selkirk, who was sentenced to 12 months of public works with respect to Amy. In 2014, Jackson has met with another actor, the star of the "Coronation Street" by Ryan Thomas, and then, after another break, was confirmed in an interview that he was completely unable to choose men.

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