Photo: Jared Padalekia first appeared in the image of Walker


In November, Sam Winchester officially left The CW together with the final episode of the series "Supernatural". But the executor of the role of a wrestler with evil spirits remains on the TV channel, however, he will have to resist not to mystical beings, but ordinary criminals. In a short time, the reboot of the cult series "Steep Walker" starts, in which Cordell Walker will play pudale making, and now the star fans have the opportunity to appreciate the idol in this image.

The TVLINE edition has published a voice shot of the Padalek and the American actor and the former Bodybuilder of Dick Anderson, which will appear in Walker as a guest star. In the photo, Jared is captured in a shaped shirt with the icon of the Texas Ranger, however, without the famous headdress - a wide-headed hat. The photo is done on the TV series, which is located in the Texas city of Austin.

Photo: Jared Padalekia first appeared in the image of Walker 123326_1

Recall that in the upcoming TV series Cordell Walker returned home after two-year work under cover. In his native edges, he is waiting for many difficulties, both personal and professional, from problems in communicating with the grief sons to a difficult relationship with a new partner.

The Walker series starts on the CW channel on January 21, 2021.

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