Rose McGowen started a novel with a woman: "She is a lesbian, I - no"


The 46-year-old Rose McGowan said that for some time it was found with a girl named Sienna, and noted that he found his happiness in this relationship.

Many people are comfortable to live, carrying labels. I am now meeting with a beautiful young woman. She identifies itself as a lesbian, I do not define myself like that

- said Rose. The actress noted that he feels next to himself comfortably and calmly and had already moved to her.

McGouken also spoke about his past passion - Androging model Raine gov. She was born a girl and became famous for an extraordinary appearance, in which men's and women's features are read.

With her Rose met six months in 2018, but their ways were separated.

When you have a decline and you make a relationship with someone, it's not a fact that you will choose the "of that" man, "

- said Rose about the past novel. The actress also admitted that it was not easy for her to build relations with a person who refers herself to the Nebarin Gender, that is, he considers himself a man and a woman at the same time.

I did not even know how to call it. I would say "My Girl", but she is not a girl ... I then thought that we need a new dictionary for such cases,

- Shared McGowan.

Rose McGowen started a novel with a woman:

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