Officially: Kevin Spacy was recognized as innocent in the case of harassment


Western media reported that the prosecutor of Massachusetts was removed from Kevin Spacese accusations of sexual harassment. The court case against the actor was brought in 2018 after the son of the TV presenter Heather Uner applied to the police. According to a young man, in 2016, in one of the bars of Massachusetts, he, being the 18-year-old young men, met Spacy. However, communication took a unpleasant revolution for him when the star of the "card house" tried to send a young man and began to pester to him.

Officially: Kevin Spacy was recognized as innocent in the case of harassment 123413_1

Proof against Kevin was to clarify the victims with a friend to which he said what happened, but the plaintiff refused to provide a court of telephone. According to the law, an attempt to change the evidence is criminally prosecuted, so the victim took advantage of the right not to give up the testimony and refused further litigation with Spacy.

Officially: Kevin Spacy was recognized as innocent in the case of harassment 123413_2

Officially: Kevin Spacy was recognized as innocent in the case of harassment 123413_3

Recall, because of the loud scandal, the actor lost his role in the popular TV series "Card House" and stopped being filmed in the movies. Last year, Kevin recorded a video in the image of his hero, in which the Metoo movement was veiled. "I know what you want - my return. Many, of course, believed everything he said and waited for what I confess and get deserved. But everything is not so simple - neither in politics, nor in life. You do not believe in the worst without evidence, do not condemn, not having facts, right? No, you won't do it, because we are smarter than they think, "the actor said.

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