Kayley Coco ridicked her loss on Critics Choice Awards 2021


Kayley Coco was among the nominees for the "Choice of Critics" Award in the category "Best Actress of the Comedy Series". However, the award got Catherine O'Hare for the role in Shitts Creek. The Keyli's expanded defeat decided to wrap him into a joke, posing a funny post in Instagram. Coco laid a photo on which her team of assistants breaks with the actress's clothes, erases makeup and scatters her hairstyle. "As you can see, the losers do not leave anything!" - signed the Publication of Keeie.

Last month, Coco also lost Catherine O'Hare "Golden Globe". As a reaction to the defeat of Kayle, the photo was posted on which sits on the floor in the princess dress with a bottle of champagne in her hands, surrounded by "harmful" food. "I want to say thanks ... a, no matter!" - she signed a frame.

Now Kayley is filmed in the TV series "Front-conductor", where he plays a major role - for her Coco and received nominations. However, in a recent interview, the actress noted that the most successful project in her life had already taken place - this is the series "Theory of the Big Explosion". Now Kaylei, according to her, does not expect similar success from new projects and removes "for themselves."

"Nothing compares with the" big explosion theory. " I will never have such 12 years of experience, such colleagues, such money, such working conditions. I was worried about what my new projects will be, as people will compare them, but in the end I understood: well, okay. I can not control what the audience will talk about me, "Cayle shared.

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