"Terrible Experience": Kelly Clarkson complained about the rough appeal in American Idol


Kelly Clarkson told that she was "badly treated" during the participation in the first season of the Competition of the American performers of American Idol, which she eventually won. This program comes out on the FOX channel and promotes the novice vocalists of the United States. Now the project is the largest franchise with the highest rating in the United States.

Clarkson said that only one celebrity invited to the judges was kindly good for novice stars - Jennifer Love Hewitt. "The rest went rudely with us, because we are with the talent show, and it was the first season. It was a terrible experience, "Kelly shared. Turning to the only actress who supported the young singer in her face, Clarkson remembered that the celebrity gave the "most important" advice in her life. She advised to keep the most beloved people "with them", especially since they will be quite a bit due to the difficulties of "this business".

Last September, the singer recalled the victory in American Idol, which happened 18 years ago. In appeal to fans, she called on to remember its goals and change his life, as she once did it thanks to the participation in the show. Despite the "terrible experience", the star is grateful to the project for the dreams of dreams.

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