Ben Affleck first commented on the treatment in the rehabilitation clinic


The 46-year-old actor appealed to the rehabilitation center to pass another course of treatment with alcohol dependence on August 22 (before this treatment Ben passed twice - in 2001 and 2017). After completing the 40-day program, Affleck through Instagram turned to fans, thanking them for support:

"This week I completed a 40-day stay in the center of treating alcohol addiction, and I will be observed there further," Ben told. - Support that I received from family, colleagues and fans means more for me than I can express. She gave me the power to talk about my illness with others. "

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"The fight against any dependence is a hard struggle with long life, and therefore no one really finishes treatment: this is a permanent commitment. I'm struggling for myself and for my family. A lot of people supported me on social networks and told about their experience in dealing with addiction. I want to thank these people: Your strength inspires and supports me as I didn't even imagine. It helps it very much - know that I am not alone. And, as I was forced to remind myself if you have a problem, seek help - this is a sign of courage, not weakness. "

Here's like Ben Affleck looks right now, after the completion of the 40-day course of treatment:

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