Ivanka Trump in Fit Pregnancy magazine. October / November 2013


About her pregnancy in the sixth month : "I feel great. I was lucky with this pregnancy. Fortunately, I have never experienced nausea in the morning, but began to tire a lot between the 15th and 17th weeks. I will not complain, because it quickly passed. But waking up, I feel exhausted yourself - not the most pleasant feeling. "

About your diet : "One of the advisory position is that the refrigerator is always full. When we lived only together with my husband, I thought I was thinking to buy me a raspberry, because I knew that she could spoil before I eat her. And now the cancer is nice to open the refrigerator and see there many different fruits. Every morning, I eat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt (with a normal content of fat, because the taste is important for me) with a large Blueberry, raspberries or cereals. Immediately after awakening, drink a glass of water with lemon. Before pregnancy, I saw only coffee, and now we use a huge amount of water. I start nervous if I do not drink water for longer than 30 minutes. "

About the difference between the first and second pregnancy : "When I was pregnant Arabella, I read about 50 books about pregnancy and motherhood. Now I look back and I understand that 25 percent of them could be thrown out the window. You do not need to learn how to correctly change diapers. As a young mother, you are very quickly mastered. "

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