Ivanka Trump about pregnancy


For Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, it will be the first child. She already knows that her daughter will be born on July 14th.

"I have already appeared symptoms of crazy mommy," she admitted, having in mind the huge number of pregnancy books, as well as the development of young children. "I already know what I will do when she is three years old and when she can learn foreign languages, including French and Chinese."

Despite the fact that Ivananka occupies such a high post in the company of his father, she says that he will raise her daughter without special privileges, just as they brought up her. And although she has not yet born, but she already thinks about how often the child feeds: "I was in full shock! I work next to the house, and I decided that I would return to work after childbirth, and the nanny would bring a child to me, or I will periodically run home. So I could combine work and motherhood. But every two hours!? This is a completely different level. Perhaps I will have to equip a children's room at work. "

Ivanka gives birth only in two months, but she already wants more children: "I would like to have three or four children. But my mother always tells me: "Let's talk to you about it after you give birth to the first."

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