Timothy Oliphant tried fetta beans armor in the 2nd season "Mandalortz"


The second season of the television series "Mandalorets" promises to become an absolutely crazy event for the fans of "Star Wars". In addition to the Westers about the intriguing replenishment of the cast and new characters, the details of those heroes that no one expected were to see. It turned out, for example, that in the new episodes of "Mandalortz" Actor Timothy Olipheant, known for the TV series "Justice", will wear Fetta's cult armor.

Timothy Oliphant tried fetta beans armor in the 2nd season

It is necessary to clarify that Bob Fetta in the "Mandalorter" will play not Oliphant, but the Teamere Morrison, who in "Star Wars: Attack Clonov" performed the role of father-clone beans named Django Fett. However, as reports / Film, Oliphant has filmed scenes in the Fetta beans armor, thanks to which it is possible to guess who he plays - most likely the actor received the role of Cobb Vance. This character has never appeared in films and TV series "Star Wars", but it appears in the series of Romans Chuck Wenndig "Star Wars: Consequences". In these books, Cobb wears Mandalor's armor, which Dzhava was found among the wreckage of sailing barge Jabba Hatta. Of course, earlier this armor belonged to Bob Fetto.

Timothy Oliphant tried fetta beans armor in the 2nd season

In the "consequences" cycle, Vens appears as an impostable sheriff of the settlement called Freetown (that is, the "free city") on the planet Tathuene. It is not yet clear whether he will occupy the same post by the time of his debut in Mandalorets. However, the information that Oliphant will play Cobb Vance has not yet been confirmed by Dave Filoni, John Favro or Lucasfilm.

It is expected that the second season "Mandalortz" will be released on disney + this fall.

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