The baby Yoda was shown in the form of an emo teenager in a parody of "Mandaloque"


The second season of the TV series "Mandalorets" will be broadcast not so soon, as the fans of "Star Wars" would like, but waiting can always be brightened by all sorts of additional content. For example, the AOK studio, which is engaged in creating a funny animation short protrusion, released a cartoon called "Yoda Teenager", whose chief hero has become a matured baby.

True, in a comic interpretation of AOK from a fairy creature with huge eyes there was nothing left, except for photos hanging on the wall in the House of Mandaloque. Now the baby iodine is a wayward rebellion of puberty. He holds his guardian, refusing to drink milk, Parian Waip, wears black bangs and piercing in the nose, and also plays in Hard Rock to the "Order of Sitov" together with his friends-neformals.

Once the Darth I will become!

- the juvenile hero threatens during the next rewriting with the order of the pip-mandalorets.

The release of the second season "Mandalortz" is scheduled for October of this year, but it is possible that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the premiere will eventually be shifted to a later date.

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