Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of "Star Wars"


On May 4, the day of "Star Wars" is celebrated, and therefore on the network you can find a lot of new materials dedicated to the famous fantastic saga. Photographer John Wilson posted on this occasion on his page in Instagram exclusive photo of the time of "awakening strength", on which Adam Driver is trying on the Kylo Rena costume. The son of Hana Solo and the Lei organs, which passed on the dark side of the strength, became one of the brightest characters of the newest trilogy, winning no less fans than positive characters in the Face of Rey, on Deameron or Finn.

To his photo Wilson added such a signature:

Even more fun in honor of May 4th! For me, the position of the chronicle when creating a "awakening force" was the work of the dream. This meant that I got the opportunity to capture in the photo many of the parties to the production process: the construction of decorations, the manufacture of props, the creation of costumes for the entire cast. On the same snapshot, you can see an incredibly talented [artist in the costumes] Michael Kaplan with Adam Driver, who died into the costume of Kaylo Rena. My destination consisted precisely in the preservation of such moments!

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

At the same time, the mass of other Wilson pictures was available from behind the star wars. For example, Warwick Davis came to the photographer lens, Anthony Daniels, who helps to turn into C-3PO, wardrobe attack aircraft, as well as engineers engaged in the inspection of robots from the film.

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

Adam Driver in Kaylo Rena costume and other photos from the filming of

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