Showranner "Matryushki" will remove the series on "Star Wars" for women


Disney Studio will create a new series through the "Star Wars" universe, oriented to the female audience. The plot details are held in secret, but the Variety's edition managed to find out that there will be a female character in the center of the narration, the action will occur in another time interval of the "Star Wars" universe than the events of Mandalortz, and the Action itself is described as an "action thriller".


Leslie Headland, the creator, Showranner and the producer of the Netflix series "Life of Matryushki" series are already hired as a showranner and the screenwriter. In addition, she was the director comedy "love without commitment" and "bachelors".

This project will become the fourth TV series Disney for "Star Wars". The other day on the third season was extended by the series "Mandalorets". Work on the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi, whom Yuen McGregor will play. The last news about the project was a message that at the post of Scripture of Hussein Amini ("Four Fee", "Wings of Dove") replaced Jobi Harold ("King Arthur" sword).

Another series, over which work is going on, tells about the captain of the exploration of the Alliance Cassiana Andor, who first appeared in the movie "Ex-One: Star Wars. Stories". In the series, the role of Cassian Andor will play a Diego Moon, who played him in the film. The series of the series will unfold before the events told in the film. The project genre is described as a "spy thriller". Over the script runs Tony Gilroy ("Idro-One"). The project Showranner is Stephen Schiff ("Americans"). It is known that Alan Tyudik will be removed in the series, Stellan Skarsgard and Kyle Soller.

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