Writer of the film "Sword of King Arthur" will be engaged in the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi


According to Variety, Disney and Lucasfilm signed an agreement with the English screenwriter Jobi Harold to work on the scenario while the nameless TV series Disney + about Kenija Kenobi's knight. At this post, Harold changed Hussein Amini, who left the project in January.

The suspension of the project was caused by the fact that Katlin Kennedy, the head of Lucasfilm, was dissatisfied that in the version of the Amini Kenobi's scenario was indistinguishable from the Mandalorto from the eponymous series.

Writer of the film

Initially, a full-length project about Kenobi, who had to remove Stephen Doldry (Billy Elliot, "Upper Light") was originated. But instead of the film, they decided to remove the series. The director of the series will be Deborah Chow, who worked as a director and over Mandalorets. It was planned to start production in August, but now the start of the filming was postponed by January 2021.

Jobi Harold wrote the script of the "sword of King Arthur". He currently completed the work on the script of horror film for the Netflix "Dead Army". It is also known that the Paramount Studio ordered him work on a new part of "transformers".

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