Kelly Osborne in Bwatt magazine. Release 5.


About vital difficulties : "To some moment I looked back and wondered:" Why am I? " Why did I almost killed myself with drugs? Why my mother almost died of cancer? Why did my father fall into an accident on a motorcycle from which he almost died? Why is my brother suffers from scarwing sclerosis - a disease from which it is impossible to cure? But at one point, I looked at my life again and realized that this is a common life. It was very naive to believe that I was the only person in the world that faced such difficulties. "

About his mother's disease : "She taught me to fight. I realized that sometimes a smile could be the best medicine. It is necessary to live every day as if he is the last, and the family is the only thing that is truly important. Only love is a real truth and can last forever. "

About his father : "After the accident, the father finally tied up with drugs and alcohol. It was a winding path, but he showed hardness, became much better as a person, her husband and father. He became such as I did not dream of seeing. "

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