Found the native son of Michael Jackson?


TMZ website placed video from a press conference where the results of the DNA test of Brandon Howard were announced. The statement said that he was really the son of Michael Jackson. Rumors that Brandon Howard is a relative star appeared for a long time, and the cause of this is the incredible similarity of men. They also said that now the king of pop music is planning to sue the property and the money of the Father from other heirs. However, Brendon himself laid out on his Facebook page, where it was denied these gossip: "I never contacted TMZ. I never proclaim myself Michael Jackson. I definitely do not try to sue real estate. I took care of me well, and I earn myself on Life. I really did a DNA test, but for reasons I have nothing linked. I swear life. " And yet Brandon never uttered the words "I am not the son of Michael Jackson," so apparently, rumors will continue to fill the tabloids. Yes, and looking at the young man, it is impossible not to be amazed by his resemblance to the late singer. So far, in this story there are too many questions, so we can only follow the events.

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