"I like to spend time with her": Ryan Reynolds highlighted a favorite out of three daughters


Ryan Reynolds has been married to the actress Blake Lavli for eight years old and raises three daughters with her a five-year-old James, four-year-old Ines and one-year-old baby Betty.

In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actor spoke with whom he likes to spend time from family members. "We have recently born the younger, she is just over a year old. I like best to spend time with her, it is very interesting to observe how it grows, "Ryan shared.

The journalist asked if Reynolds was pleased with the size of his family, whether he wants more children. What the actor replied: "God, I think our family is already normal. She is already satisfied big. "

Earlier in an interview with Access Hollywood Ryan noted that life in the family, where he was the only man, became a completely new experience for him, because he grew up with three brothers.

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"I adore to be the father of girls. I am the youngest of four boys, so for me the birth of three daughters was the more adventure, but I love every second, "Reynolds shared. He calls his wife and daughters "the most gifted, wise and strong people" from everyone who knows. "These are the first people in which I can rely on a difficult moment," the actor summed up.

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