"Daughters never helped": Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin voiced the pension amount


Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin took part in the program "Secret by Million". In a frank conversation with the lead, she admitted that she was enough for a pension she gets. The size of monthly payments is 25 thousand. In addition, there are significant surcharges that were previously established by the previous mayor of Moscow.

Ждёте программу? Лидия Николаевна никогда не была так откровенна, поэтому всем советуем в эту субботу, в 20:50 включить НТВ! Этот выпуск оставит след в вашем сердце? ⠀ ⠀ © AO «Телекомпания НТВ». ⠀ ⠀ #секретнамиллион#нтв#леракудрявцева#кудрявцева#вечер#суббота#телевидение#телешоу#программа#россия#москва#tv#ntv#russia#moscow#secretnamiilion#million#stars#твшоу#токшоу#секреты#тайны#интрига#шукшина#лидияфедосеевашукшина#лидияшукшина#бари#бариалибасов

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"I get 25 thousand. Plus, 30 thousand - I do not know how they used to be called, "Luzhkovsky", now, probably, "Sobyaninsky", "the actress shared.

Lydia said that children practically do not help her. Sometimes the grazon Makar comes, brings food and carefully asks not to spend money for it. At the same time, the actress is quite pleased with his life and does not plan to move to his daughter.

"I can't intervene in her life, but I don't even have advice for her because she is very reasonable leading to her life. Shukshin teach us that it is necessary to collect friends as little as possible, which will then betray, "the actress answered.

Earlier, other stars of cinema, theater and show business were told about their pensions. So, Lev Leshchenko monthly receives 30 thousand rubles, Yuri Vine - 12 thousand rubles. And Boris Moiseev turned out to be one of the richest star pensioners: he gets about 60 thousand rubles.

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