Our answer is Disney Prince: 10 Handsome Soviet Film Sports


This is today disney "Stamput" a few fairy tales per year, balusa children with stunning special effects and dizzying scenery, and once our, Soviet cinema "issued" kinoskasi, immersed in the magic atmosphere and the breathtaking spirit and in small spectators, and at the audience quite adults . A person Sergey Stolyarova, Vladimir Friendly and other "Soviet princes" and to this day, probably, they are associated with many viewers just with magical, sometimes even black and white, fairy tales.

Sergey Stolyarov (1911- 1969)

A wonderful domestic actor quickly found an ideal role for himself - he looked like a bogatyr from Russian folk fairy tales, and played the roles appropriate. The audience, first of all, remember Stolyarov on the "Sadko" film, which in 1953 was awarded at the Venetian Film Festival - and it was just the merit of Stolyarov, who, however, from the Union to go to get a reward, could not. A year later, Sergey Stolyarov's merit was celebrated in Europe again - the French edition of Cinema included him on the list of the most prominent actors of world cinema, the only one of the USSR.

In the film "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1938)

In the film "Vasilisa lovely" (1939)

In the image of Nikita Kozhemyaki from "Koscheya Immortal"

In "Sadko"

In the film "Ilya Muromets" (1956) as Alyoshi Popovich

Vladimir Frienders (1922-1994)

Another Soviet actor, who has long been not with us - but which many generations of viewers remember very well. The first glory came to his boyfriend after the picture "without guilt" - on the actor one after another fell out of the sentences to be removed, and he preferenceed the picture of Alexander Ptushko, the adaptation of the Ural Jazza Bazzow - and played Danil Masters in the "Stone Flower", the role that had a little Whether not brighter than his career.

Oleg Strizhenov (born in 1929)

This year, Oleg Strizhenov celebrated the 89th anniversary, in the "Big Cinema" because of the honorable age does not appear for a long time, since 2004, but in the presentation still does not need - many remember Strizhenov first of all by the role of Athanasius Nikitina in the picture "Walking for the three seas."

Eduard Isaov (1936-2003)

Let the expression "actor of one role" often perceived as something disgusting, in the career of Edward Isota just one of the role with which he is associated to this day was - that the achievement of the actor, of course, does not diminish. The audience, first of all, know the isotov according to the role of Ivanushki in the children's fairy tale "Morozko" Alexander Row - the film was released in 1964, but the relevance did not lose and right up to two thousandthly broadcast on television.

Alexey Katyshev (1949-2006)

"Morozko" became a "ticket" and for another wonderful actor, Alexei Katyshev, who was originally not going to actually - he worked on the Yalta film studio to the operator's assistant, and then Row noted him, shot his "Morozko" just there. The director appreciated the bright blue eyes of the young Katoshev and immediately, without any photobrobe, gave him a major role in the fairy tale "Fire, Water and Copper Pipes", and the young Alya at that time was only 17 years old.

That's the role of Wasi, who won the blasphemous immortal, Katyshev, the audience first and foremost and was remembered, although in fairy tales after that he was acting further - for example, in 1969 it appeared in the film "Barbara-Kraza, long spit", and in 1971 - in the Spring fairy tale. " Alexei eventually did not become a professional actor, in 1973 from cinema finally left, but three children's films with the participation of Katoshev remember and revise it to this day, almost half a century.

Oleg species (1943 - 2017)

Last year, the domestic cinema was forgiven with Oleg Sovimov - the actor died in the United States, where he lived constantly since 1985, in the 74th year of life. In the US, the species starred in the militants, but in the Soviet cinema, first fame received thanks to fairy tales - first in 1964 he was famous thanks to the "ordinary miracle" (black and white version - not to be confused with the picture of Mark Zakharov!), And then, in 1966, shone And in the role of Prince Gvidon in the adaptation of the Pushkin "Tales of Tsar Saltan."

Vyacheslav Resurrection (born in 1948)

And again recall Alexander Row, the main "Fairy Tale" of the USSR, who gave the little spectators a lot of magical fairy tales, and some actors - "vouchers to life". Among these actors was Vyacheslav Resurrection, who, after the main role in the Fairy Tale, "Foreign - Clear Falcon", which is called, "woken up famous." Unfortunately, as this sometimes happens, the people's folk glory did not manage to dispose, and his career in cinema never happened. On the account of Vyacheslav - only 7 roles for all this time, the last moment - in the 2006 series "Chief Caliber".

Dmitry Zolotukhin (born in 1957)

Dmitry Zolotukhin, this year the anniversary celebrated - 60 years old, also once trying the role of the eponymous hero, and did it quite successfully. Many spectators remember Zolotukhina on the historic tape "Vasily Buslaev", which tells about the Bogatira and the Son of Planting Veliky Novgorod. Something among the fantasy and the historical drama, Vasily Buslaev still remains one of the brightest projects in the career of Zolotukhina. The company Zolotukhina in this film fairy tale was the charming Irina Alferova.

Alexander Timoshkin (born in 1962)

The 56-year-old actor first of all remembered many not according to the series, which in the "service list" of Timoshkin a lot, and in the adventure painting "and trees grow on the stones", published in 1985 and became the screening of the story of Yuri Vronsky "The extraordinary adventures of Kushshi from Domovich. "

Alexander, I followed the image of the "Russian Boyty", but already in a new, more modern interpretation - on the plot actor played the role of Slavic young men who had captured to the Vikings and won their respect for his valor and courage.

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