From the musical to Horror: the network is discussed by a terrible trailer for the film "Cats"


Charming voices and terrible images of humanoid cats - this is what the trailer of the long-awaited musical is. The disgusting CGI distracts attention from a variety of Hollywood stars on the screen and their dance and singing talents. Taylor Swift in an interview was recognized that for four months she studied to move correctly and sound. Probably, its efforts will be in vain, as the audience criticized computer processing in the film. And hardly the creators will have time to fix it.

Internet users emphasized that the screening of "cats" should be a comedy, but instead of desire to laugh, the trailer caused only a disgust and many questions. Why is cats have breasts and hands? Why is such a disgusting schedule? What made a fur coat Judy Dench? Why is everything so bad? The comedian Yen Abramson replaced music from the "Cats" trailera on the composition that sounded in the horror movie "We". "It seems that it has become better," the comedian suggested, with which the director Horror Jordan Pill agreed.

"My cat looks at me after watching the trailer"

"All I could think after the" Cats "trailer"

"The new trailer looks great."

The Russian premiere of the musical will be held on January 2, 2020.

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