Willem Defo believes that Robert Pattinson "Perfect chin" for the role of Batman


Robert Pattinson and Willem Defo managed to work together Last year on the shooting area of ​​the film "Mayak", presented a month ago within the Cannes Film Festival. Variety journalists were asked to defio that he thinks about choosing Pattinson to the role of Batman, and the actor led a very significant argument:

"He has a strong chin," Defo noted. - And this is an important part of the role. You can imagine that Batman play someone with a weak chin? I do not think so".

Willem Defo believes that Robert Pattinson
Willem Defo believes that Robert Pattinson

It should be noted that Willem Defo in the genre of superheroiki and himself is far from newcomer: once he played green goblin in the very first "spider man" with Toby Maguire, and quite recently appeared in Aquamen.

The appearance of Robert Pattinson in the superhero amplua will wait for a long time: the official date of the premiere of the new "Batman" in cinemas - June 25, 2021. In the meantime, just see how Roberta in the role of Batman Folk Creativity:

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