Martin Freman remembered how barely refused the role of Bilbo in the "Hobbit" for the sake of the ex-wife


An 47-year-old actor in total of two years spent on the set of trilogy "Hobbit" in New Zealand, away from his wife and two children - so the fears of freeman were quite substantiated:

"I went to New Zealand in January 2011, and my last day on the set was in July 2013 - so this is two and a half years from beginning to end."

Thoughts to ask Amanda to put an acting career in England on a pause and to go to New Zealand with children, Martina did not even arise:

"I was missing a very long time, and Amanda, with which we were then together - the actress, a wonderful actress, and in the yard there are no 50s for a long time, so I could not just say so:" So, you are going, you're going with me". She had her own life, his career. "

Martin Freman remembered how barely refused the role of Bilbo in the

Martin Freman remembered how barely refused the role of Bilbo in the

Martin Freman remembered how barely refused the role of Bilbo in the

As we all know, ultimately, after a long fluctuations and discussions with his wife Martin Freman, the role of Bilbo still agreed - and Peter Jackson's trilogy gathered almost $ 3 billion in global boxes. Well, Freiman and Abbington's relationship ended in a gap in December 2016 - the stars lived together for 16 years.

Martin Freman remembered how barely refused the role of Bilbo in the

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