Chris Hemsworth had to fight for Tolstoy Torah in the "Final"


Chris Hemsworth made a real gift to cosplayers not possessing superhero-core forms. A new image of the actor in the "final" was surprised and embossed all the audience, but no one expected that in this form hero passes until the end of the film. If the creators planned to return God to the form to the final battle with Tanos, then Hemsworth opposed this decision. "I liked this version of the torus. It was so unlike how I embodied the hero before. He gained his own life, "said Chris in a conversation with Variety.

Chris Hemsworth had to fight for Tolstoy Torah in the

Funny and that on the set of Chris with an overhead belly was very popular. "People constantly approached to hug me, like a big teddy bear, rubbed the belly, as if I was pregnant, and kneel me like a santa claus. I felt my grandfather with a bunch of kids around. True, then I'm tired of it, and I began to drive away from myself. Now I understand that my pregnant wife felt when strangers tried to stroke her belly on the street, "the actor told.

The actor had to face less pleasant consequences, since the pad was weighed 40 kilograms, and three hours left for makeup. But the works were justified: the hero liked most of the audience, and Chris himself nickned him "Tor Lebovsky" in honor of Jeff Bridges character.

Chris Hemsworth had to fight for Tolstoy Torah in the

Chris Hemsworth had to fight for Tolstoy Torah in the

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