Jai Courtney will return to the role of Captain Boomeranga in the "Restart" "Deli suicide" James Gunn


The news that fans of the film DC will see Captain Boomeranga in the rebound of the "suicide detachment" Captain Boomeranga, confirmed the Gay Courtney personally. In one of the new interviews, the actor stated:

"We are preparing to start shooting in a few months. I can not tell anything else, but yes, you will definitely see the return of the boomeranga. "

As well as the hero of the original DC comic, Captain Boomerang in the film was one of the original members of the "suicide squad", and, despite a certain cowardice, managed to survive the first mission of the team of unlucky heroes.

We will remind, earlier information appeared that Margo Robbie would return to his role Harley Queen, so while in a new film at least two familiar viewers of the face. Return in the new "squirrel and Dedzhot's detachment, but now instead of Will Smith will play his other famous black actor, Idris Elba. In the spotlight, however, there will be completely new characters, because with the "suicide detachment", James Gunn plans to turn something similar on his first "Guardians of the Galaxy" for Marvel. What will happen from this, see not soon: the premiere of the new "suicide squad" is scheduled for August 6, 2021.

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