Too many whites: "The Lord of the Rings" criticized for an abundance in the plot of heterosexual men


Writer Chuck Wenndig, who wrote a series of "consequences" books in an updated studio Disney of the Universe "Star Wars," expressed his "unpopular opinion" regarding the "Lord of the Rings". "I tried to read the books and could not. Detail of the prescribed world is not a plot. The book should not be read as a manual for a computer role game. The elected hero is beaten cliché. Pir scene too tightened. The world of "Lord of the Rings" is too white, too heterosexual, too crowded with men and, ironic, is not fantastic, "Weddig wrote.

Obviously, the writer really did not read the books to the end, otherwise he would have seen parallels with modernity, relevant and today. In the 50s of the last century, J. R. R. Tolkin published the "Lord of the Rings", in which representatives of absolutely different peoples managed to find a common language and make friends. It is stupid to accuse the novel in homophobia or racism, given what time the author lived. Especially stupid to accuse the trilogy in the abundance of men, because heroin Eovin killed the Supreme Nazgul, proving that strong female characters existed in art long before the advent of Metoo and other movements.

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