The longest film Marvel: "Avengers: Final" will last 3 hours


According to Western media, the record "War of Infinity" will soon be born. At the moment, it is this filmmix that is the longest film Marvel Studio, whose timing is 149 minutes. Initially, information about the duration of the "final" unintentionally revealed the AMC cinema network, but later the news confirmed the other company - Fandango. Previously, the media expressed the idea that the studio would not dare to such a risky step, because to sit at three hours. Let and entertainment film - this is a test for any viewer. However, as can be seen, Marvel's leadership listened to Rousseau brothers.

And although the studio did not give any official comments, in a recent interview, President Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi assured the audience that "Avengers: the final" will last exactly so much hours as needed. "Each film must feel 1 hour for 45 minutes. Now it happens that one and a half-hour tape seems unbearable long, and a film by 3.5 hours ends up, barely started. I relate "Avengers: the final" to the second category "," said Faygi.

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