The Disney Studio moved the date of the output of Avatar 2 and announced new "star wars"


Initially, the first sequel "Avatar" had to reach large screens next year, however, due to changes made by Disney studio in the schedule of releases, the picture will be released on December 17, 2021. Thus, the dates of the exit of the rest of the sequels moved, so now the premiere of the Third Avatar will take place at the end of 2023, the fourth - in December 2025, and it will be possible to see the fifth only in 2027. The plot of the sequel of the sensational blockbuster will tell about the consequences of the war with the earthlings, with whom Jike Sally and his new people will have to face. Whether the tape will be able to re-earn more than $ 2 billion, time will show.

In the future, the audience are waiting for other loud premieres. Two new trilogies of "Star Wars", overlands, "Games of Thrones" and the director of the series "In all serious" Ryan Johnson will begin, will begin from December 2022. The studio did not disclose the names of films, but reported that two more parts of the franchise would come out in 2024 and 2026.

Franchise "X-People", previously belonging to the studio Fox, will undergo changes. Disney was transferred to the premiere of "new mutants" for April 2020 and canceled the development of Kinokomix "Gambit" and several other projects.

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