What was shown in the "Avengers: Final" trailer: 19 details that you could miss

Refresh the trailer in memory again:

It all starts with nostalgic flash stakes that remind us of how the Iron Man, Captain America and the Thor came to where the final struggle with Tanos is started. Pay attention to this: Color gamut flashbacks - gray, white and red, and red is especially highlighted on this monochrome background.

What was shown in the

Even when the trailer show us the effects of a tunes, the red is highlighted in the frame.

What was shown in the

Perhaps such a color range of flashbacks is a reference to the new costumes of the avengers (about them just below), and perhaps - reference to the red stone of infinity, which is a stone of reality.

What was shown in the

This is not the only hint of the coming change in reality, there is another one - the voice-over monologue of Peggy, who first sounded back in the film "First Avenger: Another War." Peggy says that "the world has become different, the former is no longer returning, and it is necessary to somehow live on, and sometimes to live on, you need to start everything from the beginning."

The falconce, as we know, did not appear in the "war of infinity", it was only mentioned, but he seemed to play one of the key roles in the final. We are shown how Natasha goes to Tokyo to find a housing there.

What was shown in the

What was shown in the

It should be noted that in the comics Clint Barton said goodbye to the title of falconry and began to fight crime already as Ronin. All fans currently agree with the fact that it is Ronin from comics that we will see in the Finals.

Also in the trailer you can see a few moments, the action of which seems to be unfolded on the family farm of Barton (we saw it in the "Avengers: Era Altron"). In this scene, Houkay trains some kind of girl from Luke - perhaps this is his daughter, and the whole scene is a flashback that sends us to the times before clicking Tanos.

What was shown in the

What was shown in the

But another option is possible - that this scene presents to us Kate Bishop, a superheroine, which in Marvel comics later became a student of the how and fought with criminals under the name of a falconian eye.

If you draw attention to the hair of characters, which we were shown in the trailer, it becomes obvious that there is a lot of time between the events of the "war of infinity" and "Avengers: the final" has passed a lot of time. Please note that Natasha, who in the "In Infinity War" was a blonde, now redhead again, and the blonde is preserved only on the abnormal tips of the hair. Steve has no beard anymore, well, the clint is now Iroquo.

What was shown in the

But this frame, where Natasha shoots on targets, taken, probably, from the very beginning "Avengers: Final" - here the black widow has longer hair, but still bright, and not redhead.

What was shown in the

A very important scene from the trailer, in which we show as Scott Lang returns from the quantum world. Pay attention to what he is horrified when looking at all these ads about missing people.

What was shown in the

An important component of the trailer, innovation in the face of Tim-Apa Roudy (Warrior) and reactive raccoon, and Roudy has a new costume, much more massive than the previous spell of the warrior:

What was shown in the

Well, the most important and most important detail of the trailer is that Tony Stark and Nebule safely, although it is still not clear how, they returned back to earth and are ready to deal with Tanos, along with the rest of the Avengers.

What was shown in the

Of course, it is worth mentioning about the costumes, the existence of which we have already knew for several weeks thanks to the "merge" photos of new toys in the "Avengers". Now we can consider these new costumes in all our glory. Most likely, these costumes are designed to travel the Avengers team to the quantum world, and this, in turn, may mean that they will go back to the past.

What was shown in the

Please note that in this scene in the ranks of the avengers, which are apparently, in the quantum world, there is no captain Marvel. Given - again! - Natasha's hair (which is already redhead), it is clear that this scene unfolds a few months after the arrival of Carol Denvers (at the time of arrival of Carol and her dating with Avengers Natasha was still a blonde with short hair).

What was shown in the

And even more interesting moment: in the first trailer there was almost the same installation, only there was not Tony and Nebules, and the avengers were dressed in ordinary costumes, and not costumes for the quantum world. So that another question, which of the two scenes will actually be in the film (and whether at least some kind of general).

What was shown in the

Another confirmation of the fact that we are waiting for the journey back in time, is this frame with captain America on the battlefield, and it seems that he is in its very first, original costume.

What was shown in the
What was shown in the

The scene with an angry nebula in the trailer hints at the fact that heroine will once again meet with Tanos - last time this confrontation between her daughter and father was not good, and now she looks like she looks like a revenge.

What was shown in the

Marvel resorted to the classic formula for himself when even the most emotional, the most gloomy and the most difficult moments necessarily "dilutes" some "post-title" funny scene. In this trailer, this role performs a scene of acquaintance Carol Denwers and Torah, who, having assessing the stone expression of the face of Captain Marvel, when his hammer gone literally in a millimeter from her, says "But I like this."

What was shown in the

What was shown in the

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