As in the movies, only better: gifts for March 8 based on famous films


500 days of summer - postcard with the inscription I Love US

If the traditional "I Love You" you have already told each other hundreds of times, follow the example of the main character "500 days of summer" - close with the wording. Be sure the person who works in the Bureau of Cards is accurately disassembled in love confessions. The girl will certainly appreciate not only your romantic gust, but also sending to the film.

In order to make such a surprise, it is completely optional to work in a congratulatory card agency or try to portray something with your own hands. Today, postcards of any degree of creativity can be made to an order - minimum labor costs and maximum emotions.

- What happens between us? - I dont know. What's the difference? I'm happy. Are you happy?

Tiffany breakfast - Ring with engraving

Impress such an extravagant girl like Holly Hollytley, very difficult. She dreams of marrying billionaire, and her neighbor floor is not at all sure if she reciprocate if he has not yet accumulated on Tiffany. The floor finds in the package with the sweets ring as a prize and decides to go to the jeweler in the favorite Holly Shop to make engraving with the initials. He carries a ring with himself for several months to give at the very moment when it seems between them it is over (this heartbreaking scene with a torrential rain and the search for a nameless cat will probably remember each).

The conclusion is simple: in order to give the decoration with meaning, it is not necessary to wait for such a dramatic moment - on March 8, too, a great reason to repeat the Hollywood scenario.

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Pretty woman - red dress for a hike in the opera

Scene with the advent of Julia Roberts in a luxurious evening dress - the moment is not only beautiful, but also insanely touching. A gift for the heroine is not so much the dress as a complete transformation and the opportunity to discover the real lady. After all, we all know what miracles can create a new reflection in the mirror!

Of course, the desire to repeat this scenario in life will require you a good taste and the ability to understand fashion. Then the evening toilet, chosen by you, will surely impress your girlfriend. Bonus Council from us: Give your lady not only expensive outfits, but also to wear them. Then you exactly risk to conquer her no less than Richard Gir.

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Good to be quiet - a plate with a favorite song.

For all connoisseurs of retro-romance, we have good news: fashion for vinyl returns. So, sin does not inspire the scene from the film "Good to be Tikhoni", where Charlie presented Sam's his beloved BEATLES record. If your girl is also not indifferent to vinyl players, such a gift is doomed to success. Moreover, the hobbies of joint collecting plates may well be born.

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Blame stars - travel to another city

In the world of movies for romance do not need a reason. In any case, the scenarios of the film "To blame the stars" are considered. The main heroine of Hazel has a favorite writer whose novel is broken down. Once she tells about it to his young man, and he organizes a trip to Amsterdam for her to meet a mysterious author and learn the continuation of the book.

If this plot seems to you too "cinema", do not worry, it is quite possible to interpret in real life. The girl does not necessarily have a favorite writer, and to fly quite optionally in Amsterdam. If you doubt the choice of the city, there are many new directions on the S7 website at competitive prices - you can just find ideas for a romantic weekend.

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Peter FM - Smartphone

The phone in the film is not quite a gift - the main character of Maxim simply finds it on the street. The present gift is the call from the girl Masha - it was she who dropped a mobile phone on the street. Then heroes can not meet anywhere, but they lead long conversations and talk about what they could not share with anyone. Who would have thought that conversations with a stranger could change their lives so cool: Masha parted with his fiancian on the eve of the wedding, and Maxim is ready to cancel the move abroad.

The film is a wonderful reason to posstalgify the left era: push-button phones, no Facebook and the real opportunity to lose each other in a huge city (after all, the action is not even in the past century, but only in 2006!). After 13 years, in the era of messengers and social networks, long conversations on the phone are becoming increasingly rare. Do not deprive yourself of this romance!

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If you have long planned to give your girlfriend a phone, you will have to be slightly sacrifice with reference to the film: I suspect that the push-button device is unlikely to conquer her heart. It's time to go in search of modern alternatives. If your girl loves the original design, stop your choice on the new Huawei P Smart 2019. A large screen and an expressive gradient on the back panel - a gift will remind her not only about you, but also about your good taste.

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