Idris Elba will replace Will Smith in the "Suicide detachment" from James Gunn


According to The Hollywood Reporter, the DC management remained a satisfied scenario of James Gunn, who also took the director of the paintings. The director has already shared with the media that from the old team, the audience will again see only Harley Queenn in the performance of Margo Robbie and Deadshot. His role and director, and the studio want to give Idris by Elbe, who perfectly showed himself in films and serials of various genres.

Idris Elba will replace Will Smith in the

Art from the artist BossLogic

It seems, Idris really liked to play Superzloda in the upcoming film "Hobbs and Show", since he began to negotiate with the DC studio. Many publications, critics and ordinary viewers consider him and on the role of James Bond, but the actor himself said that it would hardly be done for such work. "This is one of the largest franchises in the world. Whoever played James Bond, he will live them. Now I choose the roles that do not absorb my personality and do not define me as exclusively one character. In addition, I am too old for such a film, "Elba admitted. Whether the actor becomes a new Dadzhotom, the audience will learn later, but it is already known that the premiere of the new "suicide squad" will be held on August 5, 2021.

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