Star "Star Wars" Mark Hamill frankly spoke about the current trilogy


Hamill admitted that once he gave himself a promise no longer talk about "star wars", because he had not yet dealt with social networks, where any word said was scattered around the world for several hours. However, now Mark has an account in Instagram, and he talked about the new trilogy, the fate of his character and shocking decisions of the Disney studio. "Yes, Luke has changed very much between the first and last trilogy. I do not control the storylines. I like a musician. I read notes and play on them to the best of opportunity, but it does not mean that I like the melody, "the actor said.


Hamill agreed that the schedule of release of films on the "star wars" was too dense. "Nowadays there were three years. Now it takes two years, and between them another film appears, like "Khan Solo". I told Disney's leadership: "Seriously?" Han Solo "just five months after our film? Give the audience to relax!" But it turned out that they needed to clear the place for "Mary Poppins returns", "said Mark.

In December of this year, "Star Wars: Episode 9" will put an end to the history of Ray, Finn and PO. The creators of the film confirmed that Carrie Fisher, who died in 2016, will appear in the final part. "Harrison was the main figure in the first film, I am in the second, so Carrie should take a central place in the third. I am glad that they found a way to turn it. I like to think that it would take her pleasure, although there is nothing better than her presence here, "the actor said.


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