Why War Stephen Spielberg with Netflix - Bad Jewel


Before you reach the story with Spielberg, let's remember some important moments that will help better understand the current situation.

Who finances Netflix

Bastera Basher Scraggsa

The company, founded in 1997, started with DVD rental: sent discs in red packs wishing. By the way, still doing this. But with the development of Internet Netflix, began developing its own streaming service, presenting it in 2007. By January 2019, Netflix brought the number of subscribers around the world to 139 million people. Despite the presence of purchased content, the Streaming is actively embedded in its own production - in October 2018 it became known that Rida Hastings intends to spend $ 2 billion on films and serials.

Netflix was invested in the new film Kohen Brothers "Bastera Bastera Skrangs", paid work on the latest project Oron Wells, finances New Films Stephen Soderberga, DEIDA Misho, Fernanda Meleersh, Noa Bumbak. Gradually, from Netflix rolling service, turned into one of the largest film industry players, becoming, in fact, a new film studio, which also has a powerful rolling tool. The film released on NetFlix can simultaneously see the inhabitants of 190 countries of the world.

When the home video market collapsed, Netflix (and similar services) became almost the only option for viewing the content. Supporting movies who are difficult to find distribution - and budgets, if you have gone, - the service helps to bring independent and author movies to the viewer. Stregning concludes contracts with prominent shustrans (Sunda Raims, Ryan Murphy), launches serials in other countries of the world (Germany, Spain).

Like any studio, Netflix has ambitions. And the desire of recognition. In 2017, three paintings of the service took part in the competition of the Cannes Festival, which caused a flurry of protests by French cinemas. They accustomed to a three-year-old (!) Window between film distribution release and streaming, it was necessary to subjugate Netflix by their rules. They refused - and in 2018 Cannes remained without new films Alfonso Quaront, Cohen brothers, Paul Grringrassa and Orson Wells.

Netflix and Roma Coumarone


After Alfonso Quaron left the Oscar awards ceremony with three statuettes for the Drama "Roma", columns appeared in the American media. The press in the States is disliked "Green Book", considering it another picture about the White Savior, the unworthy prize of the American Film Academy. Some authors concluded that those who voted against the Quaront actually expressed their dissatisfaction with the Netflix Streaming service. The Vulture website was detected by the text "How Netflix was trying to buy an Oscar for the best movie, but nothing came out" - in it it tells how Netflix spent from 40 to 60 million dollars to promote Roma among film academics (which is interesting, the film budget was total 15 million dollars). Note that independent film companies were engaged in the production of paintings, and Netflix spoke only as a roller, buying a tape to display in the world. The premiere of the drama took place at the end of August 2018 at the Venetian Film Festival, from where Quaron left with the main prize - "Golden Lvom". Italian cinemas were relegated, but their voices did not sound the same loud as the voices of French cinemas.

The world release "Roma" on Netflix took place on December 14, 2018, but before that in November, the film was shown in several New York cinemas and Los Angeles. Thus, the Streaming has completed the existing film academy requirement to the films nominated for Oscar. Recall that the Film Academy considers only films that were shown from January 1 to December 31 in the Los Angeles County for seven days in cinemas. On the day at least three sessions, everything, of course, with the sale of tickets.

Netflix and Irelander Scorsese

Why War Stephen Spielberg with Netflix - Bad Jewel 125001_3

At the end of 2016, the Drama Martin Scorsese "Silence" came out. It was very important for the director's project, which he could not run for a long time. The screening of Roman Susaki Endo collected only $ 7.1 million in North America. Abroad, the figures were no less deplorable - 16.5 million dollars. At the same time, the picture was spent, according to various sources, from 40 to 50 million dollars. Disable it in the box office failed.

Previous project Scorsese, brought to the tape of the Wolf with Wall Street, with the participation of Leonardo Dicaprio, gathered $ 116 million in his homeland and $ 275 million abroad. The obtained 382 million dollars made the film by the most cashier for the entire director's career. Perhaps only thanks to this raft managed to get the financing "silence". But the search for funds for the next film, the criminal drama "Irishman", dragged into.

Budget of the Gangster Saga with the participation of Robert de Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Peshi and Harvey Caitel reached $ 125 million (according to some reports, almost 200 million was required). The reason for this was the need to "rejuvenate" the heroes with the means of computer graphics. The action of this story has been developing over several years, and the director did not want to change the actors. The work of Industrial Light & Magic costs himself and its producers in a very large amount. The transaction with Paramount was supposed to provide "Irish" rental in the United States and Canada, but in February 2017, the studio refused the film. The tape budget has grown, and even the Mexican company-producer "Factory de Sina", which planned to invest $ 100 million in the film, refused to deal. Several days after Paramount refusal, and in February 2017, Irish was bought Netflix.

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