"Such a glory and gift is not needed": the star of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" Dave Batista does not want to be filmed in blockbusters


"I want good roles. I do not care about films like "Fast and Furious" or "Bamblby". This glory is not needed. I want to be in the "dune". I want to work with Denis Willonev, Sam Mendez and Jody Foster. I want to shoot with the laureates of the Oscar premium. I want to conquer the same respect and authority, "the actor said.

Most viewers expected the appearance of batters in action films, as it was with John Sinai or Dane Johnson, but Dave wants to focus on improving his acting skills instead of expanding the fanbaz. "Duyne was a movie star even before he got into a big movie. It has something special, and I could never move with him in this. But do I think his great actor? No, "Batista expressed his attitude.

An excerpt from the "Blade Running 2049" with Batistan

In just a few years, its resume has been replenished with many different projects. Almost in all Batista performed either episodic roles or the role of the second plan. However, the actor made a good impression of critics in the "Running on the Blade 2018" from Denis Villenev, collaborated with the director Sam Mendez in "007: Spectrum" and amounted to Jody Foster in the "Hotel Artemis". In this April, Dave Batista is declared in the filmmix "Avengers: Final", and in 2020, the film release of Roman Frank Herbert "Dune" will be released with his participation.

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